Be in Compliance with MAGNETIX
Refillable & Non-Refillable (Lock) Dispenser Solutions
World Amenities is where quality and innovation meet luxurious sustainability! We are a trusted leading global manufacturer of environmentally friendly, recyclable, and biodegradable quality luxe skincare-based brands, custom amenities, bulk liquids, dispensers, and necessities. The MAGNETIX Squeeze System features a locking closed-cartridge design, replace/recycle, no-drip, easy housekeeping, and tamper-proof resistant bracket with an easy magnet key. In addition, there is a MAGNETIX Refillable & Non-Refillable (Lock) Pump Bottle System which features a locking closed bottle, and the sustainable advantage of a refillable pump bottle design, both dispensing solutions are 100% recyclable PET plastic.
Explore our dispensing solutions.
For additional information or to purchase a MAGNETIX System, please contact: sales@worldamenities.com
or call: +1 (858) 880-SOAP
MAGNETIX Refillable & Non-Refillable (Lock) Pump Bottle System:

Single Bracket

Double Bracket

Triple Bracket
MAGNETIX Squeeze System:

Lockable Hardware:

Single Bracket

Double Bracket

Triple Bracket

Lockable Hardware

Magnetic Key
More details:

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